Post Vacay Weigh-In Day…

Not as horrible as I expected, but not great….when I left I was 293, this morning I was 296. I am assuming the vacation bloat is gone by now since we’ve been home for a few days, so I’ve got a bit of work to do to get back to where I was. However, I’m ecstatic that it was only 3 pounds—the old me would have gained 10 pounds, easily.  So, small victories? Lol.

I’m doing great on my carbs today–I’m at 20, with a few grams of fiber so my net is even less. Water is….a work in progress. I almost made it to a half gallon. Not great, but more than I’ve been averaging. The weather has taken a turn for the cold and rainy for the next couple days, so the munchkin and I will be staying in and staying warm, much to her dismay. She stayed with hubby’s parents on the farm while we were gone, and she got used to being outside every day playing with the animals, watering plants, etc. so every other word she says is “shoes” or “go”, with a “bye” thrown in for good measure. And she’s gotten great at fetching shoes; she knows who every pair belongs to haha. It’s adorable.

I need to find some new low carb recipes; I don’t want to get bored with what I have in my arsenal, but it seems to me that we repeat the same handful of meals, or variations thereof, fairly frequently. Before we started eating low carb, I would never repeat a recipe more than once every couple of months, unless it was a special request for a birthday or something. I need and crave mealtime variety. I think mostly because I love to cook and be challenged in the kitchen. So if anyone has suggestions, lay them on me! Especially baked goods! I have been experimenting with flour alternatives. So far I like almond, and loathe soy. Bleh, it has such an odd taste, I just can’t bring myself to like it! I have some pecan meal that I’m eager to bake something with–other than just using it as a crust. I’m curious if I could make some sort of pecan cookie or shortbread.

Also, I feel like everybody and their grandma announced they were pregnant today…happy for them, sad for us. Seriously though, there was nearly a double digit number of announcements. Blergh. We’ve been trying for #2 for nearly a year…I’m beginning to think it’ll never happen. I’d like to lose more weight first anyway, but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t sting a little that my body is incapable of doing what it should!!

Anywho, enough of my rambling for today! Happy hump day!