Yay for the weekend!

Just a quickie today…I’ve gotten out of the habit of eating regularly throughout the day; I normally end up eating breakfast around 11 or even as late as noon. I eat when I feel hungry but I’m not sure if that is the best way to approach things. I don’t want my body to think it’s starving or whatever. Does anyone have any insight on this? Is it ok to just eat when I’m hungry while low-carbing, or should I be following the “six small meals per day” ideology?

I noticed today that my clothes are starting to fit a little more loosely! And that I’m closing in on that 20 lb. mark!! I’m a little behind where I’d like to be, but only by 1.5 lbs so that’s not awful; hopefully I can make that up in the next month and keep up with my ten pounds per month goal. So exciting to realize my shirts are a bit baggier though! Holy cow!

I need to eat some more calories today; I haven’t quite made it to 1000 and I really don’t want to drink those calores so….I’m off to find some nuts or peanut butter or something. Hope everyone has a great weekend; I’ll try to post that Shepherd’s pie recipe tomorrow!