Day 2 LCHF

I felt pretty good today. We had taco wraps for dinner…gotta say, I actually kind of like tacos better with the lettuce wrap instead of a tortilla lol! Is that weird? Still have this little nagging voice in the back of my head that says “SUGAR!!!!” but it’s not nearly as bad as last night was. Holy moly, I’m not sure how my will power beat out the desire to eat all of my kiddo’s Easter candy!

I didn’t get any formal exercise today, but I did spend nap time cleaning and I worked up a decent sweat, so I’ll take it! Water was much better today; I got in more than half a gallon. While this may not be nearly as much as I’ve been drinking the last few weeks, the old me shudders to think of drinking that much water every day! So definitely an improvement.

My calories today are sitting around 1300, with 25 net grams of carbs (28 total). I really need to work on getting more fiber into my diet! I had no idea I was slacking on that so much. I love the charts in My Fitness Pal (I’m a nerd, I love pie charts!) that breaks everything down for you. Also the nutrition listed out is a big help, too. Glad I take a daily vitamin, I don’t seem to hit those goals very often.

I really need to find something that will satisfy my sweet tooth though. Maybe some sugar free popsicles or jello or something. I feel guilty considering having a protein shake, when it alone packs 10 grams of carbs per scoop. Maybe I can get hubby to split one with me haha. He’s usually good for that! But I feel comfortable aiming for the 25 grams or less daily. It’s restrictive, but not so much so that I have a hard time finding anything to eat. I really need to increase my low carb menu items in general. I tried to start on next week’s menu today and yeah…it was rough lol.

So that’s my update for today. OH! I almost forgot, I actually remembered to weigh in today…302.6. Apparently my scale really likes that number lol. But I’m also going to weigh tomorrow just so I can stick with the every Wednesday schedule. And will also be doing my measurements tomorrow since I just didn’t have the time today.

Fingers crossed for good news tomorrow!


5 thoughts on “Day 2 LCHF

  1. HI. I admire your persistence with your challenges. I am starting the 30 day Guns/Buns/Ab challenge that you did last month. I got the idea from your blog. I hope to show progress through my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    • krazykimmay says:

      Good luck!! If you can make it past the first few days, you can make it all the way! I should start it up again. I love how strong it makes me feel to know that I can in fact do that many squats, etc!


  2. I lost 78 pounds just by eating only three meals with no snacks and half portions. It worked for me.

    Liked by 1 person

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